The Local Organizing Committee (LOC) of the ATBC 2023 is pleased to invite the submission of proposals for workshops and field courses.
We welcome proposals on any tropical biology and conservation topics. We especially encourage workshops and field courses related to the conference theme "Balancing Science, Conservation, and Society". Furthermore, we warmly welcome multi or transdisciplinary proposals that go beyond traditional boundaries, such as workshops integrating art and science or integrating social sciences and biology.
The deadline for submissions is 25th March, 2023. Organizers will be notified of the Committee's decision by 15th 20th April, 2023.
All proposals must be submitted here using the ATBC user profile or creating a new profile in the case of first-time users.
The workshop or field course proposal must include:
Title (maximum 15 words)
Lead organizer name, institution and e-mail
Co-organizer(s), if any (name, institution, and email for each)
A description of the workshop or field course (maximum 400 words)
Summary sentence (it will be included in the registration website and the program; 50 words max.)
Minimum and maximum number of participants
Proposed schedule
Logistic requests (food and beverage, and equipment needs)
The workshop lead organizer will be the primary point of contact and will be requested to make decisions during planning. Please be prepared to answer requests from the LOC in a timely manner. Workshop organizers may propose multiple linked sessions, and each session should be submitted separately, indicating which other proposals are linked and the sequence of events.
Scheduling requests will be considered by the LOC, but we may not be able to honor all requests. Accepted sessions will be scheduled to minimize topic overlap and as meeting space and logistics allow. Scheduling will be emailed to session organizers in late May for review. If organizers are unable to work with any scheduled changes, please inform the LOC immediately.
Public workshops are open to all meeting attendees on a first-come, first-served basis. Workshops will require an advance signup fee payable through the meeting registration form. Additionally, all workshop proposals must indicate a minimum and maximum number of participants to help with logistics and to be financially viable.
Proposals will be reviewed by the LOC in consultation with the Scientific Committee. The primary criteria for acceptance are scientific merit and interest by meeting attendees.
Once a workshop proposal is accepted, organizers will be provided with instructions to begin preparing the session.
All organizers and participants must register for the ATBC 2023, except in case of the public workshops wherein it is meant for general public and students. In which case, only the organizers would be expected to register for ATBC 2023.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Organizing Committee via email ( with any questions or concerns.
We are excited to see you at the ATBC2023 Annual Meeting at Coimbatore, India!
ATBC 2023 Organizing Committee