Patterns and mechanisms of diversity and forest change in the Andes
Tue, July 12, 14:00 - 16:00hrs, Room 303
Carolina Alvarez, Ana Belén Hurtado-M
The symposium will visualize the research on the patterns and mechanisms of diversity and changes in the Tropical Andes forest, to obtain feedback and propose new perspectives. It will offer a broad range of approaches and will facilitate the creation of a network for regional research about this topic.
The tropical Andean forests are distributed from the north of Colombia to the south extreme of South America in Argentina; this region has an extraordinary cultural diversity, being the home of the most developed historical human societies in South America (Aide et al., 2019). The Andean forests are additionally one of the most diverse ecosystems on Earth, harboring more than 85% of the amphibians, birds, and mammals species registered, and also a large percentage of the flora of the world (Rahbek et al., 2019). The species that are distributed along the Andes are highly endemic and have very short distribution ranges, which makes them vulnerable to changes in land use (Aide et al., 2019). Historically agropastoral activities have been the dominant influence on Andean ecological systems, and these activities have significantly reduced the area of forest cover in the past, and in many regions, deforestation continues (Aide et al., 2019). However, in the last few years, some studies have associated forest recovery with a decrease in the rural population and a decline in agricultural activities (Aide et al., 2019). This recovery has directed to secondary forests; by 2016, these secondary forests were more than half of the tropical forests of the World (Poorter et al., 2016). Around 30% of the forested areas in Latin America are forests in regeneration processes that represent essential atmospheric carbon sinks, within other ecological services (Chazdon et al., 2016; Poorter et al., 2016). Despite its ecological importance and the major changes that are occurring, the Andes are among the least-studied areas of all tropical regions (Pitman et al., 2011), with only a few recent studies at the regional level (Aide et al., 2019; Rahbek et al., 2019; Baez et al., 2015). Therefore, the symposium aims to visualize the research done on the patterns and mechanisms of diversity in the mountain range of the Tropical Andes, to obtain feedback on the investigations done and also propose new perspectives. Another purpose is to visualize the work produced by women in science. The symposium will offer a broad range of approaches, from local to regional, in undisturbed and disturbed systems, and additionally will facilitate the creation of a network for regional research.
Environmental bias of the colombian andean flora
Carlos Vargas*, Marius Bottin, Tiina Sarkinen, James Richardson, Lauren Raz, Carol Garzon-Lopez and Adriana Sanchez
The biogeographic assembly of a tropical montane biota
J. Sebastian Tello*, Alfredo Fuentes, Cayola Leslie and Alexander Linan
Effects of local disturbance and urban growth on high-Andean forests composition and cover
Mariasole Calbi* and Francisco Fajardo
Phenology of woody plants along a successional gradient in a tropical Andean Mountain Forest
Carolina Alvarez-Garzón*, Juan Posada and Brayan Polanía
Above and belowground functional traits and their relation to Andean species' performance planted in abandoned pastures.
Ana Belén Hurtado-M*, Beatriz Salgado-Negret, Maria Echeverry-Galvis and Natalia Norden