Conserving the world’s macroflora – from tree Red List assessments to tree conservation in action
Tue, July 12, 14:00 - 16:00hrs, Room 201
Emily Beech, Noelia Alvarez
Showcasing an international collaborative effort to produce conservation assessments and practical conservation success for trees.
Trees are of immense ecological, socio-economic, cultural and aesthetic importance. Largely as a result of over-exploitation and land use transformations, the survival of a huge number of the world’s 60,000 tree species is at stake. To reverse the decline in tree biodiversity around the world, Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) has significantly scaled up its work in recent years to save threatened trees as a global leader and advocate for the conservation of plant diversity. BGCI is leading two international partnership initiatives for tree conservation – the Global Tree Assessment (GTA) and the Global Trees Campaign (GTC) – pursuing novel approaches, linking scientific knowledge and practical action. The Global Tree Assessment results show that at least a third of the world’s 60,000 trees species are threatened with extinction, with the results available and downloadable in the GlobalTree Portal. These results emphasise the need to re-think planning and action for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration, recognising the global importance of tree species. The Global Tree Assessment aims to catalyse and mobilise action to reverse deforestation and forest degradation to protect the world’s trees. The Global Tree Assessment has engaged the international collaboration of tree experts to create a much needed comprehensive resource for prioritising conservation action to ensure efforts are focused on the right species so that no species becomes extinct. The Global Trees Campaign (GTC), a joint initiative between Fauna & Flora International and BGCI, is a unique, international conservation campaign focusing on the world’s most threatened trees with the goal ‘to secure the future of the world’s threatened tree species in situ, for the benefit of people and the planet!’. Since the inception of the GTC, BGCI has worked on over 230 threatened trees in nearly 50 countries to devise and implement local conservation action for tree species at the risk of extinction. BGCI has successfully pursued an integrated approach to conservation, combining in situ and ex situ measures, both in the wild through species recovery and habitat restoration as well as through ex situ collections. This symposium will showcase the work of partners across Latin America towards our goal of zero tree extinctions and will highlight the importance of the translating Global Tree Assessment results into practical conservation actions, which includes working closely with local partners worldwide. This complementary strategy enables a secure future for the world’s most threatened trees.
The Global Tree Assessment: State of the World’s Trees
Katharine Davies*
Progress towards the Red List of Endemic Trees of Venezuela
Alejandro Gallardo*, Irene Zager and Ricmary Bron
Planning for Tree Conservation in Colombia: Red List and Conservation Action Plans for Tree Species of Conservation Priority
Cristina Lopez-Gallego*
Conservation of Magnoliaceae in Colombia – a successful case study of national and international cooperation
Alvaro Cogollo* and Marcela Serna González
From Assessment to Action: The Morton Arboretum's Efforts to Conserve Oaks in Mesoamerica
Silvia Alvarez-Clare*, Amy Byrne, Emily Beckman Bruns and Murphy Westwood