Biological diversification in the Andean-Amazon region
Part 1: Mon, July 11, 10:30 - 12:30hrs, Room: Barahona 4
Part 2: Mon, July 11, 14:00 - 16:00hrs, Room: Barahona 4
Christopher Dick, Lucia Lohmann
This symposium aims to synthesize recent research on the evolutionary drivers of biological diversity in the Andean-Amazon region.
From lowland rain forest to high elevation paramos, tropical South America harbors enormous species diversity. This biological diversity is the product of ecological and evolutionary processes (e.g., insect-plant coevolution) and historical contingencies (e.g., mountain uplift; biotic interchange). A major challenge is to pinpoint drivers of diversification and synthesize across historical and ecological explanations. This symposium will provide a platform to compare recent research using both plant and animals as model groups.
Extinction at the end-Cretaceous and the origins of modern Neotropical rainforests.
Monica Carvalho*
Topographic continuity and species dispersal accross the Northern Andes
Maria Sanin*, Agustin Cardona, Margot Paris, Michael Kessler, Ingrid Olivares, Sara Carvalho, and
Andean uplift, drainage basin connections through time, and the evolution of plants in rivers in northern South America
Ana María Bedoya* and Richard Olmstead
Neotropical mountains and species diversification in Escallonia: when species limits matter
Felipe Zapata*
Origins of amphibian diversity within and across the Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes.
Andrew Crawford*, Angie Tovar-Ortiz, Aldemar Acevedo, Erika Rodriguez-Muñoz, Fernando Rojas-Runjaic and Camilo Montes
Revealing the origins of the most intensively studied tropical forest in the world: Barro Colorado Island, Panama
Camila Martínez*, Diana Pérez Lara, David Avellaneda and Carlos Jaramillo
An integrative approach towards understanding the assembly and evolution of biotas: A case study from the Amazon
Lucia Lohmann* and Joel Cracraft
Relative importance of abiotic and biotic factors in driving local adaptation in the hyperdiverse rainforest tree genus Inga
Phyllis Coley and María-José Endara*
The Brazil nut family, Lecythidaceae, as a window into historical assembly, ecological dominance and conservation of Amazon tree communities.
Christopher Dick*, Oscar Vargas, Tamara Milton, Drew Larson and Alberto Vicentini
Continuous colonisation of the Atlantic Coastal Rain Forests of South America from Amazonia
James Nicholls, Oriane Loiseau, Kyle Dexter, Graham Stone, Phyllis Coley, Thomas Kursar, Flávia Garcia, Maristerra Lemes, Danilo Neves, María-José Endara, Haroldo Lima, Catherine Kidner and Toby Pennington*
Diversification in the Tropical Andes Biodiversity Hotspot: a Bird´s Eye View, with Glimpses from Frogs and Fishes
Daniel Cadena*