Plant ecophysiology in a changing world: refining ecological theory
Part 1: Mon, July 11, 10:30 - 12:30hrs, Room: Arsenal
Part 2: Mon, July 11, 14:00 - 16:00hrs, Room: Arsenal
Chris Smith-Martin, Leland Werden, Erick Calderón-Morales
This symposium unites scientists using a broad range of ecophysiological approaches in a diverse group if selection of forests to further the understanding of how tropical forests will function in a changing world.
Human activities continue to alter global climate and have led to the widespread modification of ecosystem processes impacting how tropical forests function. For example, anthropogenic induced climate change can increase the occurrence and strength of extreme weather events such as drought, leading to biodiversity loss attributed to factors such as species-specific drought induced mortality. There has been a growing interest in the use of plant ecophysiology to understanding how plants will respond to these widespread environmental changes. The objective of our symposium is to unite scientists using ecophysiological approaches to further our understanding of how tropical forests will function in a changing world. Our symposium is composed of 2-hour blocks showcasing novel and exciting studies on the use of plant ecophysiology to answer basic ecological questions about tropical forest structure and function. Our symposium will broaden our understanding of how abiotic and successional gradients structure tropical forests and how those forests will respond to rapidly changing environments. This symposium has a diverse group of speakers that will present the results of studies where they applied cutting-edge ecophysiological approaches to answers question related to plant hydraulics, heat and drought tolerance, and even insight into food-plant availability of ancient civilizations. We anticipate our symposium being of interest to many ATBC attendees, especially those interested in tropical plant ecophysiology, community ecology, and global change biology.
Integrating ecophysiology and archeology to reconstruct diets of ancient civilizations during drought
Louis Santiago* and Scott Fedick
Inter- and intra-specific variation among tree populations in their vulnerability to drought across a rainfall gradient in Puerto Rico
Chris Smith-Martin*, Bob Muscarella and Maria Uriarte
Drought response traits in tropical deciduous woody species: Opposite relation of turgor loss point to rainfall than in evergreen species
Bettina Engelbrecht*, Eun-Young Jung, Rainer Wirth, Marcelo Tabarelli and Inara Leal
Relationships between anatomy and physiology in tropical dry forest species: different traits to understand drought responses in trees
Beatriz Salgado-Negret*, María Cuervo, Fabián Garzón Ramos, Roy Gonzalez-M., Camila Pizano, Jennifer Powers, Laura Salinas and German Vargas G.
Heat tolerance on two extreme life stages of the Zingiberales community of a tropical lowland wet forest
Georgia Hernández*, Raquel Castro, Alejandra Perez-Enriquez and Carlos Garcia-Robledo
Divergence of hydraulic traits among tropical forest trees across topographic and vertical environment gradients in Borneo
Paulo Bittencourt*, David Bartholomew, Lindsay Flynn-Banin, Mohd. Aminur Faiz Bin Suis, Reuben Nilus, David Burslem and Lucy Rowland
Warming and drought lead to shifts in the functional composition of tropical forests; a millennial-scale analysis
Masha van der Sande*
[Symp S-9] Plant ecophysiology in a changing world: refining ecological theory (Part 2/2)
Room: Arsenal
02:00 PM - 04:00 PM hrs
The importance of local habitat in shaping functional tropical tree species’ strategies in the context of climate change.
Marion Boisseaux*, Daniela Krebber, Sabrina Coste, Geraldine Derroire, Claire Fortunel, Paul Mischler, Christine Scoffoni, Angela Casado garcia, Heidy Schimann and Clément Stahl
Ecosystem carbon fluxes are tree size-dependent in an Amazonian old-growth forest
Norbert Kunert*
Resource acquisition strategy modulates seedling responses to experimentally-induced soil moisture manipulation in a tropical wet forest
Jess Zimmerman*, David Matlaga, J. Aaron Hogan, Maria Uriarte and Bob Muscarella
Interspecific variability in physiological thresholds during dehydration reveals contrasting drought-response strategies and vulnerability to hydraulic failure in rainforest tree saplings
Camille Ziegler*, Hervé Cochard, Sébastien Levionnois, Clément Stahl, Louis Foltzer, Bastien Gérard, Jean-Yves Goret, Patrick Heuret, Pascale Maillard, Damien Bonal and Sabrina Coste
Ecophysiological controls on water use dynamics in response to reducing throughfall and fog inputs in a tropical cloud forest
Heidi Asbjornsen, Matthew Vadeboncoeur, Mauro Monteiro Juior*, Beisit Vilca, Darcy Galiano, Aline Horwath and Daniel Metcalfe
The flow below: What we can learn from seasonally variable root sap flow of three Panamanian tree species
Mario Bretfeld*, Brent Ewers and Jefferson Hall