Section 1: Purpose
The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) is an international, professional society that is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment for its members. This Code of Conduct provides a framework for responsible conduct when members are engaging in research, outreach, and conservation activities at ATBC sponsored events.
The ATBC prides itself as a safe-space where discrimination and harassment of any kind based on gender identity or expression, race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, having any kind of disability, marital status, or religious belief is expressively prohibited. All society functions require that members are given equal access and opportunity to participate in ATBC sponsored activities. During ATBC activities participants are expected to treat others with respect to ensure that a collegial atmosphere is maintained. The primary outcome of such activities should be to support the free exchange of ideas, without any prejudice against member identity. The scope of this policy extends to all society-related activities including meetings, workshops, field trips, mixers, and working groups, conducted online and/or in-person.
The ATBC has a zero-tolerance policy for discriminatory behavior and harassment of/ by members.
Section 2: Expectations from members during online or in-person interactions during ATBC events
The following behaviors are expected at all times:
Respect other people attending any "ATBC" event during all forms of interactions. Offensive communication, bias, prejudice or discriminatory viewpoints are not tolerated in any form.
All ATBC events, committees, plenary talks, delegations, or activities should be inclusive and diverse, including representatives from groups historically underrepresented in tropical biology and conservation as much as possible.
Communicate ideas in a considerate way and strive to provide comments that are constructive without personal attacks.
Respect local cultural norms and local code of conduct during any ATBC-related events.
Be mindful of differences in language and communication barriers.
Report unacceptable* behavior and provide support and/or guidance to members who have been victims of unacceptable behaviors (see Section 3).
Section 3: Unacceptable behaviors during online or in-person ATBC activities
The following behaviors are unacceptable and prohibited during online or in-person ATBC activities:
Explicit or implicit, intentional or unconscious discrimination (i.e., unfair or unequal treatment of members in professional opportunities, evaluation, benefits, and education, as well as retaliation or any kind of harassment) based on gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, geographic origin, nationality, ethnicity, religion, caste, culture, age, career stage, socio-economic status, appearance, (dis)ability status, and/or political perspective.
Harassment or any type of discrimination that consists of a single and targeted intense and severe act, or of multiple persistent or pervasive acts that are unwanted, unwelcome, abusive, offensive, or demeaning.
Bullying, including the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate members in a professional environment that involves a real or perceived power imbalance.
Sexual misconduct, including any verbal or physical action that is sexual in nature and is directed at someone who finds the conduct unwelcome or offensive.
Disruptive behavior during conference talks and conversations.
Presenters should clarify if they would not want their talk to be photographed and/or shared on social media.