Side Event
Neotropical Chapter
Bridging the gap between scientists and restoration practitioners to promote natural regeneration of forests
Mon, July 26, 10:00 hrs Colombia Time (15:00 hrs UTC±00:00)
Restoration goals face important challenges and the contribution of natural regeneration remains strongly debated. We will host a diverse panel of experts to debate these issues, followed by a session of break-out rooms where participants will brainstorm about potential solutions.

Danielle Celentano is a Forest Engineer from Brazil, with a Master's in Tropical Forest Management and Conservation in Costa Rica and a Ph.D. in Biodiversity and Biotechnology. She is currently Forest Restoration Senior Manager at Conservation International (CI-Brazil), Executive Secretary of the Alliance for Restoration in the Amazon (Alliance), and Associate Professor in the Agroecology Graduate Program at the State University of Maranhão (UEMA). Danielle has lived and worked in the Amazon region for 20 years, she is the mother of Ananda and Noam, and lives on a small farm where cultivates a beautiful and biodiverse home garden.

Renato Crouzeilles is Director and CEO of the International Institute for Sustainability Australia (IIS AU), Associate and Senior Manager at the International Institute for Sustainability (IIS Rio), assistant professor in the postgraduate course in Environmental Sciences at the Veiga de Almeida University, Collaborator Lecturer in the Post-Graduate Program in Ecology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), and Collaborator Lecturer in the Professional Master’s Program in Sustainability Science at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
He has a PhD in Ecology at UFRJ, conducted partially at the University of Queensland and at the Australian National University. He has experience in landscape restoration and ecology, systematic spatial planning and capacity building. His aim is to inform, design and support environmental decision making by providing capacity exchange programs in systematic spatial planning and developing spatial optimisation planning tools for forest and landscape restoration.

David Douterlungne is a Belgian plant ecologist at IPICyT, a federal research center in Central Mexico. His research focuses on restoration ecology in rainforest, temperate oak forests and deserts as well as traditional ecological knowledge in biodiversity hotspots. He has a PhD in tropical ecology at ECOSUR (South Mexico), is a former IPBES member and besides his research teaches statistical programing in R.
Juan M.

Juan M. Dupuy is a plant community ecologist with research experience in tropical forest structure, diversity, composition and dynamics, especially in forest regeneration in human-modified landscapes. He has a B.S. degree in Biology at Los Andes University, Bogotá, Colombia, a M.S. and Ph.D. in Ecology at the University of Connecticut, USA, and has been a Researcher at the Scientific Research Center of Yucatan (CICY) for 19 years.

Robin Chazdon is Professor Emerita at the University of Connecticut and Research Professor with the Tropical Forests and People Research Centre of the University of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. She is the lead consultant with Forestoration International, a Senior Fellow with WRI’s Global Restoration Initiative and a Senior Research Associate with the International Institute for Sustainability in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and the new Australia branch. Her research focuses on spatial planning for large-scale restoration and leveraging the potential for natural regeneration. She is an active member of the FAO Task Force on Best Practices for the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration and a member of the 1t.org Advisory Committee.
Opening speaker:

Pedro Brancalion is Associate Professor at the Department of Forest Science, University of São Paulo, vice-coordinator of the Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact, and affiliated member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. He published >170 peer-reviewed papers, received >8,200 citations. He coordinates large research and technology projects financed by research agencies, NGOs, and private companies. Overall, he is a generalist focused on developing cost-effective solutions to conserve and restore tropical forests, based on interdisciplinary research and co-production of knowledge with multiple stakeholders.
Video Presenter:

Mariana Oliveira is a senior analyst at WRI Brasil. In the Forests program, she supports projects management and programmatic contents related to forest landscape restoration strategies. Mariana has a BSc degree in Geography from São Paulo State University (UNESP), an environmental management post-graduate course at University of São Paulo (USP), and the certification on Tropical Forest Landscapes: Conservation, Restoration & Sustainable Use from the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies.