Secondary forest succession; theory, synthesis and application
Part 1: Mon, July 11, 10:30 - 12:30 hrs, Room: Barahona 3
Part 2: Mon, July 11, 14:00 - 16:00 hrs, Room: Barahona 3
Michiel van Breugel, Lourens Poorter, Nadja Rüger
By reconciling theory with data and synthesis we increase our understanding and predictability of secondary forest succession and how it can be used as the natural engine for ecosystem restoration.
Tropical secondary forests cover 25% of tropical forest landscapes. They have a great potential to recover biodiversity, carbon, and water cycling, provide a range of services to local people, and are the basis for ecosystem restoration. Advancing our understanding of secondary succession is urgently needed, given global commitments to restore 350 million ha of forest by 2030 and to support the UN decade on Ecosystem Restoration. Yet, the spatial and temporal patterns of tropical forest succession are not fully understood, let alone predictable. In this symposium we focus on SF that regrow after complete forest removal for agriculture or pasture use. After agricultural abandonment they regrow nearly from scratch, thus providing an ideal model system to study fundamental ecological processes such as community assembly, succession, and resilience. We will combine conceptual synthesis and data-driven analyses to elucidate the demographic and environmental drivers of tropical forest succession from local to continental scales. This will be complemented with presentations on application and restoration, on how we can manage secondary succession as the natural engine of forest restoration, and design effective forest restoration strategies. Overall, this symposium would thus integrate science with restoration and conservation issues, addressed from both fundamental and applied perspectives.
A conceptual framework of ecological succession
Michiel van Breugel*, Frans Bongers and Natalia Norden
Tropical forest recovery on abandoned lands; underlying drivers, and implications for restoration
Lourens Poorter*, Dylan Craven, Catarina Jakovac, Masha van der Sande, Bruno Hérault and 2ndFOR Research Network
Successional patterns in tree size distribution along a rainfall gradient
Hao Ran Lai*, Wirong Chanthorn and Michiel van Breugel
Both local and regional environmental conditions contribute to the natural restoration trajectories of West African forests
Bienvenu Amani* and Anny N'guessan
Does one model fit all? Shifts in tree demographic strategies across succession in wet and dry Neotropical forests
Nadja Rüger*, Markus Schorn, Stephan Kambach, Robin Chazdon, Caroline Farrior, Jorge Meave, Rodrigo Muñoz, Michiel van Breugel, Lucy Amissah, Frans Bongers, Bruno Hérault, Catarina Jakovac, Natalia Norden, Lourens Poorter, Masha van der Sande, Christian Wirth, Diego Delgado, Daisy Dent, Saara DeWalt, Juan Dupuy, Bryan Finegan, Jefferson Hall, Stephen Hubbell and Omar Lopez
Resprouting: The neglected recovery mechanism in tropical secondary forests
Francisco Mora*, Horacio Paz, Luisa Pinzón, Radika Bhaskar, Jorge Meave and Edwin Lebrija-Trejos
Forest successional stage affects survival and growth of forest tree species differing in shade tolerance
Marielos Peña-Claros*
Before tree planting: integrating the nursery sector into restoration strategies
Natalia Norden*, CAROLINA ALCAZAR CAICEDO, Daniel Garcia-Villalobos and Laura Salinas
Restoring dry landscapes of Ghana: Key lessons for up scaling
Shalom Addo-Danso*
Indicators to assess and monitor secondary forest recovery
Catarina Jakovac*, André Giles, Milena Rosenfield, Juliana Schietti, Marciel Ferreira, Ima Vieira, Danilo Almeida, Pedro Brancalion, Lourens Poorter, Daniel Vieira, Luis Augusto Oliveira and Rita Mesquita
Estimating restoration benefits across regenerating tropical forest landscapes
Pedro Brancalion*, Frans Bongers, Ricardo Rodrigues, Lourens Poorter, Paulo Molin and Marielos Peña-Claros