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Plant ecophysiology in a changing world: applications for forest management and restoration ecology


Plant ecophysiology in a changing world: applications for forest management and restoration ecology

Tue, July 12, 10:30 - 12:30hrs, Room: Secretaría


Chris Smith-Martin, Leland Werden, Erick Calderón-Morales

This symposium unites scientists using a broad range of ecophysiological approaches to improve tropical forests management best-practices and restoration outcomes in a changing world.

Human activities continue to alter global climate and have led to the widespread modification of ecosystem processes. These changes are impacting how tropical forests function and have profound implications for how to properly manage these ecosystems. Moreover, topical forests are particularly impacted by anthropogenic activities such as widespread deforestation and degradation, which are heavily modifying ecosystem function. Ecophysiological approaches can be used to determine how and why forests will respond to anthropogenic induced changes and how we can mitigate these impacts with forest management and restoration. The objective of our symposium is to unite scientists using ecophysiological approaches to improve management best-practices and restoration outcomes in degraded ecosystems. Our symposium showcases novel and exciting studies on the use of plant ecophysiology to improve applied forest management and restoration practice. This symposium has a diverse group of speakers that will present the results of applied management studies where they use ecophysiological and functional trait based approaches. We anticipate our symposium being of interest to many ATBC attendees, especially those interested in tropical plant ecophysiology, conservation, and restoration ecology. Talks in our symposium will emphasize the importance of connecting ecophysiology research with management practice, which has the potential to not only refine ecological theory, but also to improve the conservation outcomes across the tropics.

Drought effects on tree water use are mediated by management, but the effects of management can be temporary.
Katherine Sinacore*

Beyond forest ecosystems: Using the trait-based approach to understand restoration challenges in Brazilian savannas
André Giles*, Mateus Silva, Patricia Costa, D’Angioli Andre, Fernanda Barros, Larissa Verona, Demétrius Lira Martins, Isabel Schmidt, Alexandre Samapaio, Lucy Rowland and Rafael Oliveira

Belowground traits mediate tree survival in a tropical dry forest restoration
Leland Werden*, Colin Averill, Tom Crowther, Erick Calderón-Morales, Laura Toro, Pedro Alvarado J., Milena Gutiérrez L., Danielle Mallory and Jennifer Powers

Using leaf functional traits as an approach to species screening in restoration projects in the Amazonia
Zilza Guimarães*

Using hydraulic traits to predict species distribution and to inform restoration strategies in tropical ecosystems
Rafael Oliveira*, Mateus Silva, Rafael Xavier, Fernanda Barros, Isabel Schmidt, André Giles, Patricia Costa, Alexandre Sampaio, Larissa Verona, Caio Mattos, Guilherme Mazzochini, Demétrius Lira Martins and Lucy Rowland


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