An interactive art-installation organised by Cascoland, LabAIR and ATBC. It’s a culinary lab where scientists, creatives, farmers, food producers and environmentalists cook and eat together in an unexpected setting while discussing global challenges. Do not expect a lecture or a presentation but engaged informal dinner conversations between ATBC participants, artists and local initiatives and organisations who are making change happen.
Day 2, July 3rd: TASTE! - Taste Local Smartness, Scientific Promises & Design Potential
Day 3, July 4th: WHAT IF? -Establish Connections & Dream Possible Futures Together
For invitees only:
Day 4, July 5th: LET’S GO! - Reconfirm & Formalise Intentions for Future Collaboration
If you were present at ATBC2019 in Madagascar or at ATBC2022 in Colombia there is a good chance you might have run into the ATBC Lab&Kitchen. You might even have participated in the ATBC2021 online Lab&Kitchen!
If you haven’t: Lab&Kitchen is an interactive art-installation organised by Cascoland, LabAIR and ATBC. It’s a culinary lab where scientists, creatives, farmers, food producers and environmentalists cook and eat together in an unexpected setting. At different kitchen tables with different themes different courses of a joint meal are being prepared with special, local and sustainable products while we discuss the possibilities and challenges of sustainable food production for healthy ecosystems, how pollution of air, water and soil affects our live on the planet and what can we do about it. Do not expect a lecture or a presentation but engaged informal dinner conversations between ATBC participants, artists and local initiatives and organisations who are making change happen, while we are cooking, eating and enjoying ourselves.
Office for Practical Solutions resulted from the ATBC2019 Lab&Kitchen in Madagascar. It is a platform where formal knowledge and proposals meet informal knowhow and solutionswhich is now entering a 2-year research period you can be part of! Let’s look beyond our disciplinary boundaries, connect with each other and become part of a hands-on research journey! We invite you to join us!
Let’s Make Change Happen!
ATBC2023 Lab&Kitchen
3rd, 4th & 5th July, 2023, Lunch break
Cascoland & LabAIR
Open to all
Maximum number of participants